On March 2016: More than 100 thousand cases of lead-contaminated C2 produced at URC VN were exported to Philippines

Proverb says that “To understand the nature of a person, let see how he deals with his loved ones and his family.” Philippines country helped the originally Chinese families Gokongwei in their needs and created opportunities for them to get rich. According to the latest statistics on June 2016, among 10 richest billionaires in Philippines, there are 9 originally Chinese billionaires. These people possess and control the economy entirely and kept politically subversive positions. The representative of this clan, John Gokongwei – the Honorary Chairman of URC Group, is concurrently the 2nd richest man in Philippines with assets of up to USD 5.5 billion. Let see how the URC Group treat with Philippines people?!!
The list of 10 Philippnes richest billionaires, mostly the originally Chinese people (Source: Forbes)

As mentioned in the previous article, URC and Lance Gokongwei stated that the incident involved only 02 shipments manufactured in VN, “From the two batches we were able to retrieve a few thousand cases” and “I’d like to be very clear that none of that product is being sold here in the Philippines.” This is clearly a blatant lie by Lance Gokongwei!
Lance lied about not having any lead-contaminated products in VN sold in Philippines market

How is the fact?
The data from URC Hanoi pointed out that monthly, there are a hundred thousands of C2 cases exported to URC Philippines and other countries. Specifically, only on March 2016, URC Hanoi exported 107,136 cases of C2 products to Philippines (equivalent to 2.57 million C2 bottles) through 2 order, as follows:

* The first order includes 67,456 cases of C2 green tea (24x 240ml bottle/case), the price of one case for the parent company was only USD 1.87 (equivalent to USD 0.078 = 1,700 VND/bottle). The shipment was produced on late February 2016 which was the time when lead-poisoning products of URC Hanoi were really worst. The destination of the order is to the Manila, capital of Philippines.
Page 1/26, the order of exporting 67.456 cases of lead-poisoning C2 from URC HN to Manila, Philippines
Page 2/26, the order of exporting 67.456 cases of lead-poisoning C2 from URC HN to Manila, Philippines
Page 3/26, the order of exporting 67.456 cases of lead-poisoning C2 from URC HN to Manila, Philippines
Page 4/26, the order of exporting 67.456 cases of lead-poisoning C2 from URC HN to Manila, Philippines

* The second order includes 39.680 cases of C2 green tea with shipments was produced in the end of February and beginning of March 2016. This order’s destination is Cebu City, Philippines.
Page 1/17, the order of exporting 39.680 cases of lead-poisoning C2 products from URC HN to Cebu, Philippines
Page 2/17, the order of exporting 39.680 cases of lead-poisoning C2 products from URC HN to Cebu, Philippines
Page 3/17, the order of exporting 39.680 cases of lead-poisoning C2 products from URC HN to Cebu, Philippines

It can be seen that all these shipments (2,571,264 bottles of C2) were manufactured in URC Hanoi with production date closely to its lead poisoning products that were required to recall in VN (the lots manufactured on February, 4th 2016). These lots all used Citric Acid material which was imported from China and was detected with very high level of lead content. URC HN is well aware of this issue, and URC also knew that the lead content level of these lots has exceeded World Health Organization (WHO) permitted standard (0,05mg/l). Because if it exceeded the safety level, the filtration and excretion system would be unable to undertake leading to the lead accumulation in the body causing immensely catastrophic consequences. Despite all of that and pressure from profit target, Jai Gamboa directed URC Hanoi to falsify the documents of internal tests to certify the safety of these  shipments to export to Philippines!!!

Not only the test results of the Vietnam Ministry of Health (MoH) did point out the exceeding lead content level in C2 and Red Dragon (Rồng đỏ), but also other independent test results of products that URC sent theirselves to perform on the end of May – early June 2016 at the SGS testing center (one of the world’s leading test centers) to C2 products imported from VN with the lead content of 0.073mg/l and 6 other C2 batches produced in the Philippines all have the lead content exceeding the permitted standard of WHO (0.049-0.073mg/l) as shown in the following results:
The product code-T7 RTD is for C2 green tea manufactured in VN and exported to Philippines. The codes from RTD-T1 to T6 are for C2 green tea products manufactured at Pampanga and Calamba plants in Philippines
The result showed that C2 product manufactured in VN contained extremely high level of lead content (0.073mg/l). These are the test results from SGS Philippines, one of 1,800 offices and laboratories of SGS, world leading testing centers
The test result for C2 green tea apple manufactured at Pampanga plant, Philippines on 12 April 2016 revealed the extremely high lead content at 0.073mg/l

The test result for C2 green tea plain at Pampanga plant, Philippines on 1 May 2016 indicated the extreme high lead content at 0.066mg/l

As announced previously, the issue of producing lead-poisoning products is a systematic problem of the URC in which every producing line in every plant in Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand and other ASEAN countries, as well as in China and New Zealand are experiencing the same. Tens of billions products manufactured by URC over past years have lead poisoning and have been distributed to hundreds of millions people in many countries.

It can be claimed that “This is a largest scale disaster of food safety ever!”.

Currently, the majority of people knowing the information in Vietnam has boycotted all products of URC VN. Philippines people should be serious and careful; please protect yourself and your loved ones by asking the relevant authorities to seriously jump in as the Vietnam Ministry of Health did. Be vigilant, do not let URC use the media and money to burry the incident and mitigate the consequences of lead poisoning in the mischief figures. Please share information to friends, family so that they know how to protect themselves. According to sources that I know, several months ago, one of my colleagues at the QA Department – URC Philippines, denounced the incident to Maria Lourdes C. Santiago, the General Director of Philippines FDA (Food and Drug Administration, Philippines Department of Health), about the issue in which URC Philippines used lead poisoning materials to manufacture its lead-contaminated products, but the incident seems to be hushed up by URC successfully.

Thus, Lance Gokongwei has lied Philippines people on the importing and selling lead-contaminated C2 products manufactured at URC Hanoi to Philippines market. More seriously, the SGS test results showed a much more worse true that “C2 green tea products manufactured in the Philippines has a much higher level of lead poisoning than ones in Vietnam. It is estimated that the percentage of lead poisoning in the Philippines is over 80% (results of 5/6 samples all indicated that the lead content exceeded the permitted standard of the WHO)”!!!

Vietnamese and the Philippines people can not rely on anyone else, but themselves to save them and their own loved ones from lead poisoning disaster. Be the wise consumers and let’s boycott all lead poisoning C2, Red Dragon products of URC!
Please speak your mind, Philippines people, do not keep silent. This is a matter of life and death of our loved ones. 

Tran Ngoc Nga
Representative of ethical Vietnamese.

P/S: My post used documents and evidences from our Philippines QA’s colleagues. Thanks you all and be strong in speaking out and protecting Philippines people.
P/S2: Thanks FTU students who helped me in translating my original post to this one.
#C2 #RedDragon #URC #LeadContaminated #LeadPoisoning #SayNoToURC #BoycottURC #Philippines #Filippino
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